GeoDNS service – Everything you need to know

With GeoDNS service, you can accomplish remarkable results and drop the waiting time for your clients based on their location. No matter where your users are placed in the world, you can make your domain resolution much faster for them.

What does GeoDNS service mean?

GeoDNS service is usually a paid feature that can be found in the portfolio of the bigger DNS providers. Its purpose is to determine where are the users’ IP addresses. Afterward, it points them to the nearest server. Thus, it is often applied as a geographical routing method, which can assist with reducing the stress on an individual server. In addition, it routes the traffic to several servers, and it is a load balancer.

If your business has a worldwide presence and you desire to provide better performance to your clients, you should consider a GeoDNS service. It will ensure an excellent experience for the visitor of your website.

How does it function?

If you want to use the GeoDNS service, you will have to find a DNS provider supporting Geolocation. After you implement it and a user’s query is received, the DNS server will search for its location. That happens through the user’s IP address. DNS reviews it, and it will scan in the database for the location. Then the name server assigns a pre-configured record, which is defined explicitly for the region from where the query comes from.

When once GeoDNS identifies the location of the query, it will respond with a record configured especially for its location .

To send visitors to the best server and closest location, it uses DNS GeoIP searches. So, all servers will hold several IP addresses for the identical domain.

For who is it intended?

All kinds of businesses can benefit from GeoDNS. Small websites that want to grow also probably would like to have it. The biggest need for operating things smoothly would be for large companies.

There is a group of companies that can get the most out of it. For example, international organizations handle significant amounts of traffic or content platforms, which need to deliver to a global audience, and e-commerce, which are always seeking high uptime to secure profits.

Why is it beneficial to use the GeoDNS service?

When you set up a GeoDNS service, a lot of benefits will influence your business.


  • It is not complicated to configure GeoDNS.
  • Better SEO, faster response and loading time, 100% uptime, and higher speed are key benefits.
  • You have more choices, and it is easier to manage the traffic. By setting some records on the DNS control panel, you can direct traffic to a local country or a different state.
  • With GeoDNS, you can set limits or break them to access the content. So your visitors are going to be capable of reaching your content, no matter their location.
  • Your website is going to be available and not disrupt by any maintenance or daily tasks. Even shutting down a server to update it or change it is not a problem. You have many options to serve all requests and to re-direct the traffic.
  • Congestion on particular network points is going to be finally avoided.

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