Month: December 2021

What does IPv4 mean?

Something as massive as the Internet needs a way of control, some not to be driven by chaos. Just think about the number of devices that demand connection every second worldwide. In origin, developers perhaps didn’t imagine the Internet would grow as fast and big as it is going. But they definitely thought big, so they calculated ways to keep the order. So different rules and protocols were created, like the Internet protocol (IP).

To fully understand the meaning of IPv4, we have to review some concepts. Let’s get started!

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Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) explained.

What is FQDN?

FQDN is the short acronym for Fully Qualified Domain Name. With it, you are able to see precisely the most full name of a specific domain name. And that refers not only to websites but also to servers. The Domain Name System (DNS) is created with a hierarchy order. It starts from the top, which is the root, then TLD, after that the domain, and the last is the specific hostname.

What does FQDN do?

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